Tonight Bella presents a little masterpiece from her collection: the portrait of Ms. Anna Bellova, prima ballerina. Bellova became famous not only for her undeniable talent, but mainly for furiously pulling the feathers of the other swans during her presentations of the Swan Lake (or rather performances, should we say?). One thing is for certain however: this beautiful swan certainly loved her some fierce makeup! Her portrait was painted by the Dutch master Antoon Von Wolf in 1938.
(Collage based on the original Antoon Van Welie, a portrait of Ms. Anna Pavlova).
(Collage based on the original Antoon Van Welie, a portrait of Ms. Anna Pavlova).

Another great painting from Bella Lenahan's collection, today we present you. It is a portrait of Dame Bellot Fonteyn, by the famous painter Federico Zandomedoghi. This is called "Bella Ballerina" and the Grand Dame of ballet appears very young, when she just started her career at the Royal Canine Ballet Company.
This work was based at "Ballerina" by Federico Zandomeneghi, Italian Impressionist living from 1841 to 1917.
This work was based at "Ballerina" by Federico Zandomeneghi, Italian Impressionist living from 1841 to 1917.