Bella's Tulip meaning, according to the Language of Flowers, varies a lot depending on the colour of the flower: red for a declaration of Love, variegated for beautiful eyes, yellow says "there is sunshine in your eyes"... In general, the Tulip is a symbol of perfect love, as well as fame.
For this collage, I largely based the layout on the original Cicely Mary Barker's plate for Bella's pose and tulips distribution. Once again, I built her dress from multiple tulip petals, and the shoes I borrowed from one of my favourite Etsy sellers (Fairysteps, who specialises in amazing fairy shoes!). As for the rest, a mix of several different species of Tulips in fiery shades, art-déco tiles and a beautiful blended wallpaper in the background. A pretty fluffy bumblebee and real butterfly wings finish up the artwork.