A portrait of "Lady Collys", daughter of Mary Belleyn and Niece to Anne Belleyn, painted by Fido van der Bullyen. OK... Original artwork now: "Lady Knollys", daughter of Mary Boleyn and niece to Anne Boleyn, by Steven van der Meulen! The little dog is, well, my husband...

Bella Lenahan is a noble pup! Tonight she introduces us to the portrait of her royal ancestor, Queen Belleleth I, circa 1600, by an unknown artist. Her resemblance to Bella is uncanny.
(Source: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I in coronation robes, artist unknown, circa 1600, National Portrait Gallery).

The above are two portraits of Queen Belleleth I by Nicholas Colliard, the "Phoenix" and the "Pelican" ones. Originals by Nicholas Hilliard, Elizabeth I "Phoenix" and "Pelican" portraits, thanks to Google Art Project/Wikimedia for the files.

In Memoriam. This lovely Bulldog lived for 8 happy years with my good friend Marcia in Brasil. She unfortunately travelled to the Rainbow Bridge in the first week of October last. I made this portrait of her some months ago, 3 months before her death, based on a portrait of Mary Fitzalan, Duchess of Norfolk, by Hand Eworth, circa 1565. I really enjoyed working on her expression here and the Tudor outfit is a joy with all the brocades, lace and velvet. Marcia was joking saying that she was finally looking very, very thin! I used a canvas texture to finish it.
(Dedicated to Marcia Costa)

Tonight, we present you another portrait of Bella's ancestor Queen Belleleth I, called the Rompty portrait and attributed to the Flemish painter Steevo von Cheesecake. This portrait is said to have been ordered by the Queen's matchmakers, who were very anxious to see the beautiful Queen produce an heir. Alas, that did not happen for Belleleth was too picky. She might not have left an heir, but what a whole lot of portraits at least! Based on Elizabeth I Hampden portrait, attributed to Steven von Herwijck.