We have another painting that Bella Lenahan just acquired for her gallery: "Kennel Thoughts" by the Pre-Raphaelite artist Charles Hailstone Collies. At the top we see the inscription "Sicut Lilium" ("As the Lily") and, at the bottom, we find the names of the artist, his School (The Canine School) and his owner, Mr. Bonos Kongue, 1894.
This collage was in reality based upon Charles Allston Collins, "Convent Thoughts", and bought by Mr. Thomas Combe in 1894. Thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the file.
This collage was in reality based upon Charles Allston Collins, "Convent Thoughts", and bought by Mr. Thomas Combe in 1894. Thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the file.

From Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, "Sidonia von Borcke", here is "Bellonia von Barke" by Sir Dogward Collie Burning-Bones. I tried to make her look a bit mischievous here - if such a thing is possible.

This is probably Bella Lenahan's most prized painting from the Gallery: the famous "Bophelia" by John Peterett Wooffais, picturing the beautiful model Belleleth Dogall, who would become Fido Gabriel Croquetti's wife later on. Here you can also see the famous Aqua Kong that saved Bophelia's life in the end (she could not resist a Kong or any chewable matter thrown at her). As previously mentioned this episode also originated the expression "saved by the Kong". A manipulation of "Ophelia" by Sir John Everett Millais, thanks to Google Art Project and Wikimedia.

BELLA says Good Night-Sleep tight with another masterpiece by John Peterett Wooffais: "Belliana". "Mariana", is a character from Shakespeare's 'Measure for Measure'. In Bella's world, the great playwriter and poet is called Barkspeare, and this play, in particular, "Treat by Treat", with a very dramatic undertone here! Original painting by John Everett Millais, dated 1851, oil on wood.

Bella Lenahan's masterpiece for tonight is John Peterett Wooffais "Swallow the Swallow!". On that painting, the Princess wonders if she should swallow the swallow that entered the room, just in front of her. But then she thinks better of it, for the swallow is indeed much faster, and Princess Bella cannot really fly, so...
The original painting is by John Everett Millais and named "Swallow! Swallow!", dated 1864 and based on a poem by Lord Tennyson, "The Princess".
The original painting is by John Everett Millais and named "Swallow! Swallow!", dated 1864 and based on a poem by Lord Tennyson, "The Princess".

Another Pre-Raphaelite painting I love. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti, "Ecce Ancilla Domini" (or "Behold the Handmaiden of the Lord", aka "Anunciation"). In my mind this becomes a painting by Fido Gabriel Croquetti, "Ecce Canicula Domini" (or "Behold the Little Puppy of the Lord") with Lady Bella as the model once again. Many thanks to the artist Peter Marshall from whom I borrowed the Fox's head.

This is another very famous painting by Fido Gabriel Croquetti, "The Saluation of Bellatrice"... Based on the very real Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "Salutation to Beatrice", here is Bella modelling once again, this time as Dante Alighieri's Beatrice/Bellatrice. She appears again in the background as Amor/Eros holding hands with the eternal lover Dante Salsiccieri (modelled by Fred). Thanks to Google Art Project/Wikimedia for the high resolution file.

Another tableau has been added to Bella Lenahan's gallery today! It is called "Belliana" by Fido Gabriel Croquetti, featuring Bella Morris and her blue silk dress once again. The reality check here: "Mariana", by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, a character from Shakespeare's 'Measure for Measure'. In Bella's world, the great playwriter and poet is called Barkspeare, and this play, in particular, "Treat by Treat", with a very dramatic undertone here!

From Bella's favourite artist Fido Gabriel Croquetti, once more: "Blue Silk Dress", portraying her ancestor Bella Morris. The Latin inscription can be translated as "Famous for her poet husband, and most famous for her face, finally let her be famous for my picture!". Bella Morris was the wife of the famous poet and designer Bongo Morris, founder of the "Arts & Crafts" movement. Or, in the real world, Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "Blue Silk Dress", featuring one more time the stunner Jane Morris, wife of William Morris, founder of the Arts & Crafts movement and honorary member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. I love the way Bella's face sits on her hands/paws and how serene she looks. The dress, in reality, appears in the previous painting too, and was made by Mrs Morris herself.

Here we have another drawing by Fido Gabriel Croquetti, "Aurea Bellena", portraying the beautiful Bella Morris. This collage was based on Dante Gabriel Rossetti once again, Jane Morris in "Aurea Catena" (The Golden Chain).

"The Day Dreamer" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, featuring model Jane Morris becomes... "The Day Dreamer" by Fido Gabriel Croquetti again, featuring our stunner Bella Lenahan. Thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the huge files, and the two versions: painting and sketch.
I have a bit of a problem when I am faced with Jane Morris though. Stunning as she was, I must say I struggle with her long neck and super-strong, broad shoulders and large hands! In the end, Bella Lenahan is just a cute pup and nothing like a Pre-raphaelite muse! But we try to do our best!
By the way, the flower she is holding is a peaches and cream honeysuckle.
I have a bit of a problem when I am faced with Jane Morris though. Stunning as she was, I must say I struggle with her long neck and super-strong, broad shoulders and large hands! In the end, Bella Lenahan is just a cute pup and nothing like a Pre-raphaelite muse! But we try to do our best!
By the way, the flower she is holding is a peaches and cream honeysuckle.

Yet another addition to Bella's Little Gallery of Dog Art. This is an original Fido Gabriel Croquetti once again, this time a portrait of the model Bellexa Wildthing, called "Monna Bella". Most of Bella's ancestors modelled for famous painters of their times, especially the Pre-Raphaelites - a school favoured by her avant-garde pack. Many thanks to the Tate Gallery London for the huge file, "Monna Vanna" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, featuring the beautiful Alexa Wilding, circa 1860.
This collage ended up being very hard, mostly because of her neck, expression and fur, but also the coral beads necklace and the two pearl hair pieces. It might have taken me three to four days, working most of the time. Lots of layers appeared here!
This collage ended up being very hard, mostly because of her neck, expression and fur, but also the coral beads necklace and the two pearl hair pieces. It might have taken me three to four days, working most of the time. Lots of layers appeared here!

Bella Lenahan just showed me this painting from her collection, also by her favourite Fido Gabriel Croquetti, "Sybilla Bellifera", modelled by her ancestor Bellexa Wildthing. Her collection is growing everyday!
Bella's collage was based on the oil "Sybilla Palmifera" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, circa 1870. Again, thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the high resolution file.
Bella's collage was based on the oil "Sybilla Palmifera" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, circa 1870. Again, thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the high resolution file.