A series of composites called "Lights for Anna", are the result of her own Tutorial about Lights and Lamps. The 1st two are preliminary sketches showing different lamps and textures that I created while following the tut. The 3d one is just a kaleidoscopic composite using one of the lamp sketches. In the 2nd line, the 4th sketch is the result of the tutorial itself, based on Anna's own composition and light colours. I also used Emmanuel's post-production steps and the raw filter to tweak the lights there. Thank you for watching.

The second rendering below is the same "Lights for Anna" layout, but now using my so-called "signature" lights. I realised I love green/aqua/teal/turquoise with purple! And warmer shades of coral/gold and rose for different kinds of scenes maybe. So, I am still not decided on that. Here is the result... Thank you.