"Let's get married!", featuring Bella in yet another vintage dress and also based on an old wedding picture, thanks to Pinterest! 2 versions here, 2 different tints. Bella was a bit worried that hear ears were looking a tad too big on it, though... I wonder?

"The Happy Couple", features Bella Lenahan and her groom Fred, vintage style. I love these dresses and bouquets, so chic! In 4 different versions, B&W and colorized. The original was, as ever, found on Pinterest.

This is "Tsarevna Bella Purinovska" the day she got married to Count Fred Kongski. They lived many years happily together and never lost their heads. Er, wait... was the lost head thing in France maybe? Anyway... Again, thanks to old wedding photography from http://www.vintag.es. Several studies are shown.