Another masterpiece from Bella Lenahan's Little Gallery of Dog Art. "La Comtesse de Bellerie", portrayed by Charles Spaniel Wowwain in 1910. Here the Countess appears on a day out with her faithful Smithschund, Karlita. Karlita could actually speak and remained the Countess valued advisor and BFF for her whole life. Erm, yeaahh... Anyway, this collage is based on a painting by Charles Albert Walhain, "La Comtesse de La Mettrie". Thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the large file!

Another masterpiece of Bella Lenahan's collection today! This is Lupone Lepopo, "Young Demoiselle in Violet Silk and Lace". I love her dress, it is so exquisite! Based on Guillaume Voiriot "Portrait of a Lady", XVIIIth century.

François Boucher "La Marquise de Pompadour" here becomes François Leonberger "La Marquise de POOPadour"...

This is a portrait dated from 1733 called "La Senora Delicate of Imash" by the Spanish painter Vicente Loopy Pomeranian. Lady Bella of Imash was a very noble figure and mostly known by her exuberant jewels and beautiful Sevillan lace mantillas. This manipulation was based on "La Senora de Delicado de Imaz", by Vicente Lopez Portana. What really strikes me in the original is... well, look for yourselves in the web... that moustache. That well-fed moustache surely deserved a painting of its own. Mark Lenahan even thought that was a joke, a guy in drag but no. No, no, no... That was for real. Uff... Bella as a doggie, looks MUCH prettier, really.

Today, Bella Lenahan introduces us to yet another masterpiece from her collection: "Wild Flowers", by Loulou Jambon. In reality, the original painting is called "Fleurs des Champs", by the French symbolist painter Louis Janmot. Thank you to Wikimedia and Google Art Project for the large file.

Bella Lenahan presents us today another oil on canvas from her collection: "Belle et sa Soeur", from the French painter Téodog Chassebordeaux, XIXth Century. This is actually a manipulation of "Les Deux Soeurs" by Théodore Chasseriau, and I used Bella (of course!) and myself as the two sisters. This was Karla Smith's idea!

This time, Bella's painting of choice is "The Hammock" by James Toto. A pretty lady lazily reads her newspaper in a hammock, while her faithful pup rests at her feet. Based on "The Hammock" by James Tissot.