Our first work today is Fido Gabriel Croquetti's "A Christmas Carrol", based on Dante Gabriel Rossetti's painting of the same title...

Follows yet another masterpiece of Fido Gabriel Croquetti, "Bellonica Bolognese", which portrays Bella's beautiful ancestor Bellexa Wildthing once again. The collage is based on the original "Veronica Veronese" actually, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, my favourite.

Displayed below a new oil for Bella Lenahan's Gallery: "Il Dolce Far Niente", by William Holdog Hound, another Pre-Raphaelite canine artist. Well, in reality his name was William Holman Hunt. And, yes, the painting is called "Il Dolce Far Niente".

Finally, this is another painting by William Holdog Hound, "The Awakening Conscience". Annie Beller was the model, and it depicts a gentledog and his lover, a pretty kept bitch, who suddenly realises: "What the heck am I doing here? I deserve better!". Real story: based on "The Awakening Conscience" by William Holman Hunt, featuring his then fiancée Annie Miller, portrayed as the lover, whose conscience starts to "awaken" for the harsh realities of her situation. She certainly deserves best.
Thanks to Wikimedia/Google Art Project for the gigantic file.

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