From all these selected baroque paintings, "The Swing" was the one that required the most effort from my part. I found pictures of Bella and friends that would adjust to the characters and the statues in the garden, but I made massive changes to conform it to the shadows and textures of M. Fragonard's original.

Bella is displaying above the very famous baroque masterpiece "The Swing", by Jean Terrier Dogonard, from the mid-18th Century. It features Mlle. Belle de la Doudoune being pushed on her swing by M. Frédéric Legallant, jealous of the attentions she is receiving from M. Albert de Samoyedus - who, reclined on the floor, tries to catch a glimpse of Mlle Belle's bloomers.
This collage is based on the very famous and frivolous baroque masterpiece by Jean Honoré Fragonard, "The Swing". Thanks to Wikimedia for the large file I could work on!
This collage is based on the very famous and frivolous baroque masterpiece by Jean Honoré Fragonard, "The Swing". Thanks to Wikimedia for the large file I could work on!

Another amazing Rococo piece of Bella's private collection is shown above! This time is the portrait of Princess Marie Thérèse de Lambella, who was Marie Pomponette faithful confidante. This beautiful portrait was paint by the artist Antoine Frenchie Colliet. The Mme. de Lambella was famous for her exotic scented powdered wigs: the larger, the better.
Based on Antoine François Callet, "Mme. de Lamballe".
Based on Antoine François Callet, "Mme. de Lamballe".

Tonight Bella is displaying a very famous painting: Marie Pomponette Reine de France, painted by the famous Elisabeth Pepée Lebichon. She was a very glamourous queen, always perfumed and well-dressed and wearing a different collar everyday on her walkies. This was painted in 1783. Who would tell things would change so drastically only 8 years later? Pomponette would literally lose her beautiful fluffy head after making a very unfortunate comment about their subjects lack of kibbles to feed on: "Let them eat DentaSticks". The fluffy air-headed Queen really ignored the people's essential needs and how expensive DentaSticks could be.
The real story: a portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette by Elisabeth Vigée Lebrun, 1783. As for the "Let them eat cake" story, well, there is no evidence that she ever said such words, in truth!
The real story: a portrait of Queen Marie Antoinette by Elisabeth Vigée Lebrun, 1783. As for the "Let them eat cake" story, well, there is no evidence that she ever said such words, in truth!